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Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 143


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Line: 8
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File: /home/smcswatedu/public_html/index.php
Line: 321
Function: require_once

Saidu Medical College Swat

Department of Pulmonology

Dr. Akhtar Ali Khan (HOD)

The Department of Pulmonology has been established in August 2019. The outdoor patients are seen throughout the week from Monday to Saturday. It has 25 beds indoor capacity. All beds are equally equipped with central oxygen supply, as well as cardiac monitors. The Department has all the facilities related to Pulmonology including:

  1. Flexible Bronchoscopy.
  2. Pulmonary Function Tests/ Spirometry.
  3. Overnight Polysomnography/ Sleep Study.
  4. Prcedure Room for Tube Thoracostomy, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pleural Tap, Pleural Biopsies and Pleurodesis.
  5. Ultrasonography.
  6. Non Invasive Ventilator (NIV).
  7. ABG’s Analyzer
  8. Portable X- Ray.

The Department has also well equipped conference room having multimedia facility and library having journals, texts and reference books of Pulmonology. Hence, it provides a healthy environment for teaching and learning purposes to the Students, House officers, Trainee Medical officers, Nursing and Paramedical Staff.  

Department of Pulmonology, Faculty members

S.No Name of Doctor Qualification Designation Faculty Reg. No.


Dr.Akhtar Ali Khan

MBBS, FCPS              

Associate Professor


2. Dr. Abdul Muneem  MBBS, MCPS District Chest Physician          10391-N
3. Dr.Muhammad Ali MBBS, MCPS Senior Medical Officer 10073-N
4. Dr. Ajmal Khan MBBS, FCPS Senior Registrar 18343-N
5. Dr. Adil Nisar MBBS, DPH Junior Registrar 29138-N
6. Dr. Hasnain Arif  MBBS, FCPS Medical Officer ....
7. Dr. Usman Ghani MBBS, FCPS Medical Officer  20256-N
8. Dr. Jehangir Ali  MBBS, MD (Pulmo:) Medical Officer  16291-N







